
Photo Gallery - Job Examples:
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Game Room Plasma TV Installation

Custom wall mount TV installation. Great example of turning your simple pool room into a great place to also watch a game. Also, notice the ceiling mounted speaker. Click on picture above to enlarge.

LCD TV Over Fireplace Installation

This is a great example of what we can do over your fireplace. A lot of times floor space and wall space is limited. In those occasions it might be a great idea to mount a TV over your fireplace. Click on picture above to enlarge.

LCD TV on Corner Wall

Here is a real simple wall mount that we did with a small HD TV. Notice how we can place it in the corner where the ceiling meets the wall to give maximum space for foot traffic clearance. Click on picture above to enlarge.

Bar Area LCD TV Installation

Take your boring bar area and turn it into an entertainment dream with a plasma screen TV on both adjacent walls. This client took our advice. Click on picture above to enlarge.

